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On-Demand Subscriptions
Access all self-paced courses for 1 year!


When a Subscription Ends

Our Archer On-Demand Subscription grants full access to our training catalog to a single student for the duration of one year. Curious to know the details around what happens when that year of access ends? Each month, we run a cleanup process that in...

So You've Just Been Assigned Some Training...

It's fairly common for us to receive a request from to assign an On-Demand Subscription or an individual course to students who may not have yet logged into our system. We're given their names and email addresses and it's easy enough for us to create...

Our Archer On-Demand Subscription grants full access to our training catalog to a single student for the duration of one year. Curious to know the details around what happens when that year of access ends? Each month, we run a cleanup process that includes the following: Any courses or exams that you have not yet started are removed from your profile Any courses or exams that have been Completed remain within your profile, will appear on your transcript, and you can continue to download a certificate of completion for each one. Courses or exams that have been started (i.e., they carry a status of In Progress) are left in your profile, and their expiration dates are treated as follows: If the course was newly released at some point during your subscription year (i.e., New Course A is newly released during month 6 of your subscription and thus carries an expiration date of 6 months following your subscription) - that course's expiration date will be left alone and its original expiration date will still apply. You will be able to continue to progress through that started course until the course's expiration date is reached. If the course was updated (but not newly released) during your subscription year, its expiration date is adjusted to match the end of your subscription year. Your access to that course will end, but it will remain on your profile. Example: Archer Administration I is a course that has been available for more than a decade. If during month 6 of your subscription year, the course is updated and you have not yet already started it, a fresh version of Admin I will replace the first version originally assigned to you. The learning platform will automatically apply a 12-month expiration date on this course for you, but you won't actually receive an additional full 12 months (which at that point makes it 18 months) of access. You will still receive the agreed-upon 12 months of total access, with the expiration date being adjusted at the conclusion of your subscription year.  Because of this, be sure to dig into your courses as early as you're able to, once you've been assigned a subscription. If you have other questions about this, please leave a comment below, and we'll update this article to include the answer. Thanks!    
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Let's face it - learning Archer from the ground-up can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming. There are a lot of classes available to take, and somehow, you're often still needing to complete your day job as well - making it tough to get away for 4 consecutive days of live training for Archer Administration I. If you learn well by studying on your own, and/or you find yourself in a situation where having access to training over a long period would benefit you, consider our Archer On-Demand Subscription. Here's how it works:  Make a one-time payment ($7500 USD*) for each subscription - either through your account manager or via credit card right from within our learning portal. *Consult your Sales or Partner Rep for local (Geo-based) pricing; no other discounts apply. Value is not transferable. Let us know to whom you'd like to assign the subscription (one subscription per person.) The new assignee will then have access to our entire catalog of on-demand/self-paced courses for the duration of 1 full year. Courses that normally include labs (Archer Admin I, for example) will include the same lab for self-paced learners, and each lab is provisioned for a limited time - you just tell us when you are ready for each one. Example: Sam Subscription Holder launches Archer Admin I in the on-demand format. Sam spends a week or so reading through the materials and getting an idea of what the class covers. When Sam is ready to begin working through the lab exercises, Sam opens a ticket with us and asks for the lab to be provisioned. We provision the lab and Sam has 20 hours over the next 4 weeks to work within the lab environment. If Sam gets stuck along the way, they can open another ticket and we'll help get them through that portion of the lab. At the end of the lab time, the lab is automatically deleted, but Sam still has access to all of the Admin I materials for the duration of 12 months. When Sam launches the Admin II class, they open a new ticket with us when they're ready for the lab that goes with that class, and we repeat the cycle. What's included?  Every on-demand/self-paced class we offer, as well as all three certification exams.  What's NOT included?  Courses taught by a live instructor. Also note that while you have access to all materials for 12 months, each class's lab environment is only available for a limited time, and you'll tell us when you're ready for each one. Wait. This sounds too good to be true. Is there a catch?   Honestly, this is kind of like our version of getting a digital subscription to a newspaper that you could otherwise have physically delivered. And as we release other on-demand courses throughout your subscription year, there is no need to make a new purchase in order to gain access to the new material - you'll automatically gain access to the new courses as well. Can I mix some on-demand learning with some live instruction under this option?   No, we're afraid not. The on-demand subscription is just for on-demand classes. If you decide that you would prefer live delivery for a given class, that can always be purchased separately as well. We bought one of these subscriptions in the past, and were told back then that one certification exam voucher was included. What's changed?   Under our previous system, exams were delivered by a third-party, and yes, one voucher was included with each subscription. With our new system, we are handling all of the exams personally, and this means subscription holders are able to take all THREE exams, if you so choose. No vouchers needed! Who is this a good option for? Who is this NOT a good option for?   Let's start by looking at the price. If you are a business user who will never have admin-level access to your Archer environment, this subscription is probably more than you need. You can still buy individual on-demand classes at their per-class price. The Archer New User Experience is just $1k, and the Developing Archer Power Users and Business Analysts class is just $2k (per person, each.) If those are the classes you need, then pick up just those classes on their own. However, if you know you'll need to manage/configure your Archer environment and will at least need Admin I and II, those two classes run $4k/each, so together they hit $8k, which is more than the cost of the subscription that grants you access to everything. Tell me more about the timing of the subscription, please. We have 12 months from the date of purchase, or....? Good question. All training expires 12 months from the date of purchase. The subscription 12-month clock is a secondary one that begins ticking when we assign the subscription. So - let's say you are working up a pretty sweet sales deal right now, and you are anticipating hiring 3 new people in a few months. Is now the right time to buy subscriptions, or should you wait until the new folks are hired? As long as you're able to assign the subscriptions before the 12 months from date of purchase is up, you're good. Carrying this out - imagine you purchase 3 subscriptions in January, and you hire one new person in March and two more in June. You assign each new person a subscription during their first week on the job. Person A will have access to training from March to March, and Persons B and C will have access from June to June. If you don't assign subscriptions until November, they'd each have access until the following November. Make sense? What happens if Person A, hired in March and assigned a subscription in June, leaves our company in August? Can someone else be assigned the subscription?   We tend to handle these on a case by case basis. What's always true is that if we DO reassign the subscription to another person, the original expiration date on that subscription remains. There's a potential for people to abuse this option, which is why we handle these on a case-by-case basis. At most, one reassignment per subscription may be possible. What other questions do you have about subscriptions? Leave a comment below and help us make this article even more complete!
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It's fairly common for us to receive a request from to assign an On-Demand Subscription or an individual course to students who may not have yet logged into our system. We're given their names and email addresses and it's easy enough for us to create a profile for these new students and assign them the necessary training. But then what? How do the students know what they've just been given? How do they access the training? I'm hoping this quick guide will help. :)   If you haven't yet logged into our learning platform, please follow these steps to do so: Once you're inside our learning platform, look for your Dashboard. It will show you courses that you've been enrolled in, as well as courses you have already completed. Click into a course to launch it (if it's a self-paced one), or await more details from your instructor if the course you've enrolled in will be delivered via Zoom. Typically these instructor emails will come out late in the week just prior to the course's start date. If you have been assigned a On-Demand Subscription, all courses that carry a fee will have been auto-added to your account. Free courses are also available for you to register for within the Store (look for the link at the top of your learning portal screen.) What other questions can we help to answer? Happy learning! Megan 
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If you've read all about the On-Demand Subscription option and are eager to have one to call your own, you can either work through your Archer account manager to add one (per person) to an existing sale in progress, or you can simply pop into our learning portal and purchase it with a credit card. To find the subscriptions in the portal, follow the steps shown here: 1. Log in to your Archer Cloud portal ( and click the Archer Academy button. This portal is the same one used to log in to the Archer Community as well. 2. Use the buttons in the top header menu to select Store. 3. Use the Categories filter to limit results to "Only Bundles". The Archer On-Demand Subscription Bundle will appear.                   5. Add the subscription to your cart and complete the checkout process. Upon purchase of a subscription, all on-demand courses that carry a cost will be automatically added to your profile. Free courses will still be available for you to take from within the Store; we don't automatically add them to your account simply to keep your list of enrollments from becoming overwhelming. If you have any questions at all, please reach out to us for help. Happy learning!
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New learning portal, updated instructions! An Archer On-Demand Subscription allows each subscriber to take any/all Archer courses that are available in the on-demand format during the subscription's 1-year lifespan. No longer will you have to manually register for each course - our updated learning portal simply adds the courses directly to your account and saves you countless steps. To find your courses, from your Dashboard, look under My Courses. You'll find all courses that are not yet completed right there on the main page. (Note that free courses are not automatically added - this is done in order to not completely overwhelm you. To find additional courses you can register for at no cost, use the Dashboard dropdown on your dashboard to find the Store. Within the Store, you'll see ALL possible courses.) Each course will be available for 12 months from the start of your subscription, and you'll see the Expiry Date listed in red right under the name of the course. To find your completed courses, look for the blue and grey boxes with large numbers shown in them, and click the one indicating your Completed Courses. We hope this shift in functionality is welcomed. If any of this doesn't go as expected, please contact us and we'll help!  
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