You could generate a native Archer report with all the records that
contain the users to be activated, and build a Javascript Transporter
Data Feed to periodically check if there are any records in this report,
if yes, extract those user names and us...
It is possible to leverage the Custom Object to override the default
behavior by the following logic in Javascript:1. Locate the
original workflow button, eg, Reject2. Store the current onclick event
handler as the original function (it kicks off the...
Use the newly created content ID of that subform, and call the Archer
Rest API to update the record you want to attach this subform record to,
I believe you have to call UPDATE on the parent record.
I could probably answer some of the questions from similar experiences
of multiple integrations for Archer.Q1: Not exactly Acunetix, but has
integrated ServiceNow, Nessus (Tenable), StateNet and other Enterprise
Systems with Archer.Q2: Yes, XLST to t...
Archer can only handle the generating of the reports via UI by a user,
but not automatically via APIs or native task runners such as data
feeds. Depending on how you want to generate the CSV reports, there are
two ways: 1. leveraging Archer SOAP Sear...