The plethora of technologies available today often means that applications approved for use by one company aren't also approved for use by others needing to do coordinated business. Here at Archer, we regularly use specific applications to deliver our training. Sometimes, such as when a course is dedicated/private, there's some flexibility in which virtual platform we'll use. Other times, there's no flexibility, and our students need to reach out to their own IT teams and request special allowance to reach the websites and applications that we use.
If you're contemplating taking training with us, here are the main applications you'll want to ensure are cleared for use by your own IT teams, and/or that you have the option of using your own personal computer/laptop for training:
- Skytap is our chosen virtual lab platform, and we have our content in three regions to ensure reduced lag time across the globe. If you'll be working in a lab environment as part of your course, please click into the Skytap Connectivity Checker link and perform a test against one of the US-Central, EMEA, or APAC-2 servers. As long as your result is either green or yellow, you should be fine. If you cannot access the link at all, or if your result is red, try disconnecting from VPN (if connected) and try again, or try using a different computer or network. If you still struggle with the connection, please contact your IT team for assistance in opening up the connection for you from within your company's network.
- Zoom is our chosen virtual delivery platform for courses that are delivered by a live instructor. From time to time, depending on the instructor leading the class, Google Meet may be used. If your class is private, that is, it's been purchased entirely for your own organization and you do not use Zoom, we may ask that you set up the meeting invitation from your side using Teams or WebEx or other platform, and then grant our instructor presentation rights.
- If you haven't yet created an Archer Community/Archer Academy account, you might find that your IT team needs to allow this URL: - as this is the URL we'll direct you to for account creation and login purposes. We created this domain in early 2022, and found that due to its newness on the web, some organizations needed to specifically allow access.
- Credly is the platform we use for the purpose of issuing certification badges. If you'll be taking (and passing!) an official exam, you'll want to watch for a subsequent email within the next week that will extend to you an invitation to accept your new Archer badge.
- LearnUpon is the hosting platform for our new learning portal. I haven't yet heard of anyone not being able to access this company's domain, but should you run into any issues, I thought to mention it here.
- In terms of emails you might receive that might make their way to junk mail, consider adding these domains as safe:
Have you run into any other class-preparedness issues we can help to clarify here? If so, please contact us with your suggestions!