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Archer is introducing two upcoming changes to the platform release process.

Release Version Change

Since our first release in 2001, Archer has used semantic versioning as our release naming convention. Beginning with our upcoming release this month, we’re making the switch to calendar versioning. Release names will now follow a YYYY.MM format, with a four-digit year and two-digit month. This means our March release that would have been Archer Platform Release 6.15 will now be named Archer Platform Release 2024.03.

Why the switch?

Semantic versioning follows the construct of MAJOR.MINOR.SERVICEPACK.PATCH.HOTFIX. This structure typically assumes that enhancements are completed and released in batches. In Archer’s case, we have been following a model of two large releases per year in March/April and Sept/Oct, with patch releases in between to deliver bug fixes and security updates.

To align with more current development practices, Archer is moving in the direction of continuous development. Rather than batching new functionality into two large releases per year, we want to deliver enhancements and fixes in smaller batches throughout the year. The advantage of smaller scope releases is that less testing is required with each upgrade and the risk of potential issues is lower. This model allows Archer to deliver enhancements and fixes more frequently, making it easier for customers to stay up-to-date, while still providing flexibility for on-premises customers to decide which upgrades they take. SaaS customers will receive upgrades according to the SaaS upgrade schedule published here.

This model of smaller scope, more frequent releases aligns well with calendar versioning. Switching to calendar versioning helps avoid the confusion around the size and significance of a release that is inherent in semantic versioning. Is it a major release? Is it a minor release? What’s the difference?  Calendar versioning also enables customers to easily know how old a release is and how much time has elapsed between two releases.

Notes on numbering

In this numbering system we're using a four-digit year and two-digit month. In cases where an additional release is needed in the same month, such as providing a hotfix, we will append an incremental release number (e.g. 2024.03.01, 2024.03.02).

Where to find the version number?

Previously, the version number was displayed in the footer of the Archer application. Beginning with Archer Platform Release 2024.03, the version number can be found in the “About Archer” menu under the User Profile dropdown.


The full engineering build number, if needed for investigation or troubleshooting, can be obtained by clicking the “Copy” link and pasting the content.

Release Availability for SaaS and On-Premises

The other change you can expect to see for future releases is a change in release timing for SaaS and on-prem. In the past, releases were made available to on-premises customers first, with SaaS upgrades occurring at a later date. With recent innovations in our software development process and the adoption of DevOps practices, it makes sense to reorient our release cycle around SaaS. Going forward, releases will be deployed to SaaS non-production and production environments, and will be made available to on-premises customers in the week following the SaaS production upgrade.

We look forward to delivering these changes beginning with our 2024.03 release. You can view more details about the upcoming release in the Archer Platform 2024.03 release notes.