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Content API returns 500 for get record.

Contributor III

Dear Team, 


I am access records from Archer using content API and many times Archer API returns 500 ( data not found) for the same record, but after some time the same record id, Url, and Session token returns record data. 


Has anyone faced any such error or is it a known error or do we need to tweak any Archer setting so the system can handle seepy API calls? 


Thank you in advance!


Archer Employee
Archer Employee

HTTP 500 is not an indication that data was not found, but rather it is telling you than an unhandled exception occurred. When this happens, check the Archer log and the system event log to see if you can find a stack trace associated with the exception.

Contributor III

Thank you for quick reply. Unfortunately the response body shows below error message and nothing more 


That HTTP response code is typically an indication of an unhandled .NET exception. There should be a stack trace in either the Archer log file or the System Event Log. Do you see anything in either of those locations related to the error?

Archer Employee
Archer Employee

The HTTP 500 error code can occur with content api for several reasons. To help troubleshoot further, please complete the following:

  1. What is the Archer version?  
  2. What is the API URL being called? 
  3. If the URL is not getting a specific content id, try using the $skip ODATA to page thru the data.
  4. Does the environment use SiteMinder?  If so, check out KB 000039275 - Integration issues with SiteMinder and RSA Archer due to misconfigured SiteMinder settings‌.

Contributor III

Dear All, 


 Thank you for your quick response. please find the below details

  1. What is the Archer version?   ->  6.8.P2
  2. What is the API URL being called?  calling content API for individual record in the applicationpastedImage_1.png throws below errorpastedImage_3.png
  3. If the URL is not getting a specific content-id, try using the $skip ODATA to page thru the data -> the above URL returns the date when triggered after some time using the same session tokepastedImage_2.png


Now checking with our Internal Archer team if there is any other error in Archer logs or System event logs


Thank you.

Dear All, 


After checking it further, our Archer team confirmed that IIS service in the Archer server is consuming too many processes and after sometime IIS server needs to restart. 


So with the current investigation, the overall scenario is 

 ->  Program is trying to extract all related records from all related applications (8 in total) for Business Hierarchy application.

->   To perform above, it is triggering 600+ content API calls in one minute ( example shown in the above post).

->   This results in Error 500 from Archer and when I triggered each failed call manually Archer returned the proper result.

->  When I changed the logic to extract only the latest record(1 record) from all related applications of business Hierarchy Application, it reduced the total Archer calls to 200 and Archer returned all data without any error.


Is there any configuration which we should change to increase or enhance Archer API performance? 


Thank you.

Archer Employee
Archer Employee

Are the 600+ API calls being made concurrently, or are they sequential?

Currently all calls are triggered sequentially using single nodeJS thread but it is not waiting for completion of previous calls. 

Archer Employee
Archer Employee

So it's effectively asynchronous? You might be able to solve the problem if you force synchronous executions by waiting on the return.